(814) 453-5004

Bankruptcy Attorneys in Erie, PA | Carney & Good

Bankruptcy Attorneys in Erie, PA - Carney & Good

Overwhelming debt can seem like the end of the world with high interest rates, uncontrollable minimum payments, pestering phone calls, and threats of foreclosure. The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Offices of Carney & Good can help people like you defeat debt and resolve serious financial dilemmas through bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy solutions. When we see opportunities for bankruptcy alternatives, you can be sure that we will help you explore them.

A few possible alternatives to bankruptcy include:

  • Debt negotiation
  • Credit restoration
  • Mortgage foreclosure defense

The attorneys of Carney & Good can assess your situation and determine which type of bankruptcy is most suitable for you. A difficult divorce dispute is a good example of a change in family status that can result in acquiring a great deal of debt and may require the relief that bankruptcy is capable of offering. 

Whether your financial issues deal with credit card debt or the aftermath of divorce, our experienced attorneys at Carney & Good are here to help you. 

Embrace your future, contact Carney & Good in Erie, PA for bankruptcy advice.

What are my bankruptcy options?
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What's the difference between secured and unsecured debt?
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What if I am in debt with student loans?
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Am I able to keep anything if I file for bankruptcy?
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How long will bankruptcy stay on my record?
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