Criminal Defense for Juvenile Offenses in Erie, PA
If your child has been charged with a crime, it is important to ensure he or she is represented by an attorney well-versed both criminal defense and in Juvenile Law. Should you merely seek an attorney only knowledgeable regarding criminal law, your child will be at a disadvantage as he or she goes through the Juvenile Justice System.Consequences for juvenile offenses can be severe, and can include a criminal record that will follow your child into adulthood, placement in a juvenile facility, a negative effect on future employment and education opportunities and possible exposure to a prosecutor attempting to certify your child to adult court.
If your child is facing delinquency proceedings in Erie, Crawford, Warren, Venango or Mercer Counties, contact Carney & Good to discuss your case. Our attorneys will help you learn what you need to know to protect yourself and your record. Attorney Brian D. Arrowsmith can help you fight for the best possible outcome regarding your child’s case.
Contact Carney & Good in Erie, PA for legal advice about juvenile offense.
How does a juvenile record affect being able to join the military?
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