(814) 453-5004

Civil Litigation Attorneys in Erie, PA | Carney & Good

Civil Litigation Attorneys in Erie, PA - Carney & Good

The trial lawyers of Carney & Good assist clients in finding a solution to a variety of disputes in state and federal court, as well as in front of administrative law judges and regulatory boards. 

Civil litigation involves a broad range of law suits including, but not limited to:

  • Breach of contract
  • Property damage
  • Consumer fraud
  • Identity theft
  • Police misconduct

Family law cases often spill into civil litigation disputes which require further knowledge of the practice. The trial lawyers of Carney & Good are driven by results. Whether it's in the form of a beneficial settlement or a favorable jury verdict, you can count on us to help resolve your challenging situation. 

Involved in a legal dispute? Contact Carney & Good in Erie, PA for advice!

Is there a deadline for filing a civil lawsuit?
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What is the statute of limitations?
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What is "discovery"?
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What are some alternative dispute resolution options?
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What is motions practice?
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