(814) 453-5004

Mediation Legal Services in Erie, PA | Carney & Good

Mediation Attorneys in Erie, PA - Carney & GoodMany people are choosing collaborative law and mediation instead of traditional divorce litigation. Divorce mediation is a process where the spouses work together with an attorney from Carney and Good to find a comprehensive resolution. Mediation occurs in a neutral setting and seeks to find a compromise for divorce issues including equitable distribution of marital property and child custody arrangements.



A few common family law areas that are capable of being resolved through mediation include:

The established attorneys of Carney & Good are experienced in family law matters and have extensive knowledge and resources to bring forth into the legal matter. When both parties are open to communication and consider every party involved when making decisions, mediation can lead to a more peaceful divorce process. Mediation occurs in a neutral setting and seeks to empower the parties to find their own resolution by meeting their interests and goals for all divorce issues including equitable distribution of marital propert, child custody and child support matters.

Contact Carney & Good in Erie, PA to discuss options for mediation.

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