(814) 453-5004

Guardianship Attorneys in Erie, PA | Carney & Good

Guardianship - Law Offices of Carney and Good in Erie, PATo officially be named an individual’s legal guardian, you will have to show the court that there are no other alternatives available. Guardians are often needed in cases involving:

  • Mentally or physically disabled adults
  • Elderly
  • People suffering from particular illnesses

In guardianship cases, the individual that lacks the mental or physical ability to take care of him/herself is referred to as the “ward" and the guardian is who the court approves to handle personal matters for the ward.

Whether you seek to acquire permanent guardianship or to obtain temporary emergency guardianship, the skilled attorneys of Carney & Good have years of experience within family law matters and are capable of providing practical, reasonable advice in any guardianship matter. The Law Offices of Carney & Good proudly offer guardianship legal services to residents of Erie, PA and the surrounding areas.

Get quality legal advice by contacting Carney & Good in Erie, PA today!

What does it mean for a person to be "incapacitated"?
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What are my guardianship options?
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Can I appoint legal guardianship to my children if something were to happen to me?
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What are the rights and responsibilities of a legal guardian?
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Is temporary guardianship possible?
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